Genna Ringtail is a Large-Spotted
Genet cat(also known as a Ringtail
They originate from South africa. Their tails can be longer than their torso.
Very cute, interesting critter.
I created Genna because there were only I belive two other ringtail critters
like this around. The most famous of course, being Chester
(who still has a tail that is 3 inches longer than mine, which mine is 8'3"
long) and one other older costume I haven't seen in years. Though, similar
in looks, Genna is not the same critter as Chester who is a cacomistle.
I thought it would be cute to make another female critter after I finished
Frysco was the one who named
her Genna.
Genna won 1st Place in the Journeyman's Catagory at FC 2004.