What character am I?
Ace popped into my head one day while thinking of suits I have not seen
in the "furry fandom" before. There are always lots of foxes,
wolves and coyotes, but I wanted something different!
I have always loved Dogz artwork,
and knew he really liked drawing canines. I have seen many pieces of
his work and wondered if he could come up with a canine that would turn
into a cute fursuit!
I gave him some pictures of border collies. The two that I decided I
loved the most were LUNA and BOBBY
. I ADORED the half black / half white faces with the blue eye on the
black half. So, that's what I decided I wanted.
This is what Dogz came up with (he did the sketch, I colored:

It was GREAT! The next thing was to find someone to do the actual suit!
I looked around and decided I really liked the work that White_Fox
did. So I contacted him, and we worked out the details.
After a couple months and lots of hard work on his side... you can see
the finished product in the photos
I came up with the name ACE because Border Collies are very fast dogs,
and an Ace flier can fly fast, also the Ace of Spades (his symbol) is
black and white.